In Memorial or Honorarium – December 2017

The ULF received donations in memorial or honorarium for the following during the month of December 2017. We apologize for any inadvertent omission or misspellings. Please notify us if we have made a mistake at [email protected] or by calling 815.748.3211.


Blake Andrews: Kyle Roan

Phillip Andrews: Kyle Roan

Harrison Botta: Erik and Jennifer Botta

The Bouley Family: Bernard and Alice Howard Levine

Gregory Brown: Mary Wheeler

James Cotsiopoulos: William and Barbara Cotsiopoulos

Talia Day: Debra Murphy

Nicholas DeVoss: Leigh and Sharon Severance

Heather DeWitt: Marilyn Boersma

Donna Gilliam: Laura Dankel

Tatum Glas: Grace Catron

Louis Goldman: Alfred and Phyllis Schneider

Janet Grady: Ronald and Jean Kauffman

Alli Gross: Sandi Ingber

Brook Henderson: Joe and Judy Onstead

Noah Hinds: Marilyn Weber

Isabella Hreska: Donna and Jerry Skwirut

Kylan Hunter: Willard and Sue Garvey, Tara Hunter, Colleen Kreager

Michael Jaynes: Michael and Nora Jaynes

Hailey Knecht: Gifting with Purpose, MLD Foundation; Beckie Schrumpf

Karen Kurzhals: Ivah Kurzhals

Jocelyn Meggenhofe: Ollie and Linda Matthews

Albee Messing: Keith and Patti Johnston

Cormac Murray: John Finegan

Michael Nalevanko III: SCHOTT North America, Inc.

Nicholas Purschke: Leo and Betty Purschke

Paul Rauner: Francis and Marie Rauner

Amy Rettenmeier: David and Laura Diebold

Brianna Sanchez: Kimberly Reese

Mason Scherer: John Finegan

Grant Scotting: Kathy Behrends

Justin and Shari Spitzer: Howard Spitzer

Joan and Bill Stewart: Edward and Karen Lieber

Bradley Winter: Terri DeLay


Ramon Pollosco Abanilla: Melodie Carver

Ted Abernathy: Christopher and Jill Johnson

Michael Alm: Jeffrey Alm

Thomas Andre: David and Gail Andre

William Armstrong: Steven and Fortuna Scheige

Jacob Ayers: Sheldon and Kathi Wolf

Jessica Berkery: Daniel and Valentina Arnold

Gene Bettag: Megan Bettag

Jonathan Biles: Dennis and Kathleen Laverty

Eli Bonney: David and Heather Bonney

Olivia Borodychuk: David and Carolyn Lapham

Ty Cambra: Richard and Lynette Cambra

Vinny Capozzi: Craig Adler, William Adler, Anthony and Tina Andreoli, Bradley Antes, John and Linda Barnum, Bruce Baron, Joseph Beck, Corey and Laura Berkheimer, Stephen and Sharon Bloom, Donald Bonafede, Elizabeth Boyle Jamieson, Tanya Brown, Dennis Burkett, Lauren Burns, Richard and Margaret Bushey, Louis and Shelly Capozzi, Michael Carr, Margaret Clark, William and Lynn Clark, Kim Coon, Anne Cox, William Crouse, Ann Cuomo, Charmaine Darragh, Charlene Davis, James Davis, David and Donna Desfor, Daniel and Mary Jo Dietrich, Vincent DiFilippo, Matthew Dishner, Marshall and Heather Dixon, Maya Druker, Craig Dunkle, Alax Duxbury, L. Ebert, Jr., Joni Essis-Gildea, Belinda Ewing, Irene and Ashley Favreau, Rick Fetrow, Brent and Cindy Firestone, Matthew Flinchbaugh, Jacques and Mary Lynn Foster, Patrick Foster, Grant Gaughen, Kevin Gaughen, Maria Louisa Gaughen, Allen and Karen Geckle, Robert and Miriam Goodling, Jacqueline Goodwin, Lisa Grayson, Russell and Pamela Gunthorpe, Jacque and Alyson Halbach, Griffin and Linda Hamilton, Terry Harris, Karis Hazam, Michael Hecker, Terry and Marie Hegglin, Kerry Henne, Larry Hershman, Mitch and Isabell Himmelberger, Pamela Hopper, Roger and Patricia Hueston, Gene and Dorothy Huffman, David and Anita Ionni, Rob and Katie Jensen, Greg and Elizabeth Jones, Kurt Kay, Brian and Gwenn Keene, Danielle Keller, Stu and Coren Knickerbocker, Elizabeth Knouse, Steven Kush, Robert Latta, David Leber, David and Debra Lefin, Michelle Leo, Kelly Lewis, Donald Logan, Todd Long, John and Karen Lyter, David Manerie, Lisa McConnell, Rick McGinnis, Andy McGuire, Christine McIlhenny, Scott McQuinn, David and Lauren Metzger, Eugene and Patricia Miller, Lara Miller, Deb Morrison, Angela Moyer, Mary Jo Mullen, Thomas and Bethany Mullin, Lisa Murray, Paul and Donna Myers, Ronald and Ruth Myers, Stephen and Lisa Myers, Edward Newett, John Obrock, Peter and Susan Ostrowski, Mark Palmieri, Rovert and Joanne Pantaleo, Glenn Parno, John and Linda Plesic, David Polinak, Seth Pomeroy, Tim Prusha, James Randolph, Taylor and Sonya Ranker, Gary and Patricia Raymond, William and Margaret Raymond, Walter and Carolyn Reighard, Robert and Deborah Reitzel, Mo Rengen, Megan Robertson, Kurt and Lisa Rohrer, Greg and Porscha Rothman, Vincent and Vanessa Scalavino, Frank Scardino, George and Theresa Schu, Sherri and Eric Schuchart, Barbara Sepich, Clark Sherman, Mathhew and Kristine Simon, Frank Sirianni, Brad and Abby Smith, David and Karen Smith, Craig Sobel, Nolan Stirkey, Richard and Joette Swartz, Eric Swidler, Jay and Diane Swisher, James and Tina Tatnall, Mark Taylor, The Lancaster Group, LLC, Kathleen Tirch, Kacey Troyer, Villiage at Luther Square, Leanne Wallace, Patrick and Judith Wallace, Pete Weigher, Roy and Sharon Wells, Scott and Martina Witwer, Shelly Young

Jessica Carter: Ralph and Deborah Morris

Ian Chalmers: Graham Chalmers

Dino Ciaburri, Jr.: Tricia Ciaburri-Rodriguez

Holly Cimesa: George and Cindy Cimesa

Robert Cleary: Jeanne Cleary

Homer Coffman: Jack and Linda Sheetz

Geoffrey Conroy: Jayne Conroy

Chris Cotsiopoulos: Janet Cotsiopoulos, William and Barbara Cotsiopoulos, Michael and Karen Eklind

Ryan Criste: Carol Criste

Jason D’Agostino: Franklin and Cheryl D’Agostino

Lisa Dillon: Kimberly McLaughlin

Gabriel Engbers: Timothy and Ronda Engbers

Gaia Fasanella: Maria Pia De Candia

Andrew Fingeroot: Larry and Anna Berglind, Margaret Walkama

Michelle Fingeroot: Alan Fingeroot, Theodore and Barabara Husted

Dylan Freeman: Charles and Carol Valiquette

Dustin Fuller: Nancy Eckerd

Trevor Gavin: Kyle and Dana Wong

Geoffrey Gendron: Nina Gendron

Marissa Gibb: Donald and Lucy Gibb

Daniel Gimpert: William and Ann Kahler

Michael Grandazza: Anthony Grandazza, Peter and Luelle Grandazza

Donald Groff: Cheryl Letcher

Barbara Hage: Eric and Denise Hage

Donald Hall: Donna Gulbranson

Russell Allen Hargrove: Carole Driskell

Paula Haveron: Debra Murphy

Matthew Hennessey: Steve and Nelta Hennessey

Sara Hennessey: Steve and Helta Hennessey

Kevin Johnston: Timothy and Sharon Johnston

Joshua Kolen: Caryn Friedman

William Kolen: Caryn Friedman

Paul Korth: Duane and Kimberly Ostdiek

Thomas Kulbacki: Leigh and Sharon Severance

Jasper Lipe: Erik Sloan

Shane Massey: Hugh and Delight Massey

Dylan May: Phil and Amy May

Sean McCoy: Richard and Christi McCoy, Susan McCoy

Dylan Carl Mercer: Melodie Carver

Richard Molatch: Jeffrey Behnke, Roger and Suzanne Brown, Howard and Lucille Craner, John and Elizabeth Delaney, Michael and Virginia Erwin, Ronald and Joanne Feldstein, Thomas Grooms, Diane Knowlton, Joseph and Ann Matrone, Robert and Sandra Molatch, Ruth Northrup, Robert and Sharon Schug, Scott and Cindy Speanburgh, Thomas and Judy Turton, James and Robin Whitbeck

Jaybird Monroe: Ed and Maribeth Monroe

Jeffery Monroe: Ed and Maribeth Monroe

Paul Morkavage: Steven and Joanna Gallant

Hugo Moser: Ann Moser

Peter Moser: Ann Moser

Alison Muller: Dolores Bolsega, Cindy Muller

Michael Nalevanko, Sr.: SCHOTT North America, Inc.

Robert Neubauer: Donna DeMarco

Julie Orloff: Irving and Barbara Orloff

Jason Owen: John and Stacy Owen

Alexander Priest: Gregg and Rebecca Priest

Grace Ragon: Brian and Nana Fox

Kim Raleigh: Philip and Patricia Raleigh

Kevin Rauner: Francis and Marie Rauner, Bob and Yvonne Rauner, Rose Rauner

Tom Reising: James and Carol McGinley

Brian Rodin: Eugene and Joanne Applegate, Roberta Rodin

Pamela Rodin: Eugene and Joanne Applegate, Roberta Rodin

Susanne Rodin: Eugene and Joanne Applegate, Roberta Rodin

Dane Sandlian: Beryl and Pat Bevercombe

Mariann Sekula: Walter and Bernadine Sekula

Matthew Shoener: David and Louise Hester

Amanda Shore: Kenneth and Patty Shore

Sara Simmons: David and Carol Simmons

Judith Skinner: Lloyd Skinner

Christopher Stewart: Donald and Bonnie Stewart

Michael Strathmann: William and Maureen Strathmann

Dane Stream: Bonita Horn

David Strock: Terri Scott

Matthew Sundstrom: Linda Ricciotti

Mitchell Sundstrom: Linda Ricciotti

Alexandria Tew: Wayne and Berna Lee

Caroline Tew: Wayne and Berna Lee

Paul Valdez: Russell and Beverly Valdez

Daniel Valenzuela: Elia Valenzuela

Katherine Welch: Carol Coburn and John Welch

Megan Wilson: Vance and Melinda McGowan, Jay and Cynthia Muller

Elliott Wynn: Esther Wynn

Robert Wynn: Esther Wynn

Suzanne Yamnitz: Larry and Delores Yamnitz

Doris Yarczower: Matthew Yarczower