In Memorial or Honorarium – January 2019

The ULF received donations in memorial or honorarium for the following during the month of January 2019. We apologize for any inadvertent omission or misspellings. Please notify us if we have made a mistake at [email protected] or by calling 815.748.3211.


Gregory Brown: John and Carol Brown, Mary Wheeler

Clark Cutler: Ty Martin

Alan Fingeroot: Dan and Debbie Greenberg

Emilee Heilman: Donald and Jennifer Heilman

Oliver Hughes: Nicole Hughes

Alec Jump: Dana Stevens

Linda Keith: Debbie Foyil

Kimberly Wachs: Beatrice Edwards


Ted Abernethy: Christopher and Jill Johnson

Jacob Ayers: Roger and Saralene Seals

Robert and Christopher Bellendir: Thomas and Mary Lou Rioux

Dylan Changle: Joseph and Joyce Changle, Dlyan’s Quest for the Cure

Collin Cushman: Heather Ruesch

Jason D’Agostino: Franklin and Cheryl D’Agostino

U’ilani Dumaran: Tonya Achenbach

Ronald Edwards: Beatrice Edwards

Joseph Guzman: Stephen Annette Bryan

Jeremy Hoke: Cary and Sharon Sheremet

Georgianna Kiep: Carole Abrams, Carol Brockman, Cathy Frank, Joseph and Margaret Kobe-Lach, Ken Schurb, Joan Schwab

Sean McCoy: Richard and Christi McCoy, Sue McCoy

Robert McVerry, Jr.: Matthew Weidner

Ladd and Shirley May Molin: Alan and Patrice Solyntjes

Kevin Rauner: Stanley and Joan Carlson

Sara Simmons: David and Carol Simmons

J. Kenneth Smith, Jr.: Anonymous

Angeline Speacht: Robert and Janet Nearhood

Megan Wilson: Vance and Melinda McGowan