The ULF received donations in memorial or honorarium for the following during the month of June 2019. We apologize for any inadvertent omission or misspellings. Please notify us if we have made a mistake at [email protected] or by calling 815.748.3211.
Alex Bouley: Bernard Levine and Alice Howard
Gregory Brown: Brownie’s Pro and Sports Hobbies Shop, James and Lois La Stella
Alec Jump: Sean Devaney, Claire Domark, Dan and Nicole Jurjovec
Daxton Wallace: Sandy Wallace
John Walters: David and Yolan Walters
Jessica Berkery: Daniel and Valentina Arnold
Thomas Blandford, Sr.: Thomas Blandford, Jr.
Olivia Borodychuk: Chad and Lisa Borodychuk
Robert Ross Brown: Samuel and Cynthia Moore
Michael Fischer: Lloyd and Sue Stewart
Paul Lemesevski: Thomas and Ann Dzurkoc
Chris Marlowe: Beth Anzia, Sabrina Hicks, Susan Sharp, Lynn Stone, Susan Weekley
Dylan May: Phil and Amy May
Edward Melick: Phyllis Melick
Dylan Mercer and Ramon Abanilla, Jr.: Melodie Carver
Luka Pelka: John and Terry Pelka
Danielle Rutherford: Larry and Donna Rutherford
J. Kenneth Smith, Jr.: Anonymous