The ULF received donations in memorial or honorarium for the following during the month of August 2019. We apologize for any inadvertent omittance or misspellings. Please notify us if we have made a mistake at [email protected] or by calling 815.748.3211.
Gregory Brown: Brownie’s Pro and Sports Hobbies Shop, James and Lois La Stella
Max Szalkus: Priscilla Fisher
Daxton Wallace: Sandy Wallace
Ramon Abanilla and Dylan Mercer: American Express Foundation
Robert Backenson: Kenneth and Mary Margaret Sheppard
Robert and Christopher Bellendir: Thomas and Mary Lous Rioux
Zenko and Zenovia Bihun: Oleh and Roxolana Saciuk
Geoffrey Gendron: Nina Gendron
Matthew Joiner: Paulette Arrington
Zachary Lieber: Edward and Karen Lieber
Katie Maloney: Susan Maloney
Chris Marlowe: Donna Wolk
Sean McCoy: Richard and Christie McCoy, Sue McCoy
TannaLynne Putzler: Roger and Linda Putzler
Kevin Rauner: Roberta Ourecky
Ashley Resnick: Steve and Kimberly Resnick
J. Kenneth Smith, Jr.: Anonymous
Alyssa Stramel: Sharlene Langford
Kay Lynn Teeples: Janice Bobo
Richard Welsch: Charles and Susan Welsch