The ULF received donations in memorial or honorarium for the following during the month of January 2020. We apologize for any inadvertent omission or misspellings. Please notify us if we have made a mistake at [email protected] or by calling 815-748-3211.
Sheryl Berger: Mr. & Mrs. John and Neva Mendiola
Steven Bomze: Tolleson Wealth Management
Gregory Brown: Brownie’s Pro and Sports Hobbies Shop
Emma Gilbert: Anonymous
Kerri Mendiolo: Mr. & Mrs. John and Neva Mendiola
Zachary Unruh: Keith Unruh
Daxton Wallace: Ms. Sandy Wallace
Dwight Otis Anderson: Janell Courtwright, Joann Kunz, Stephanie & Jerry Poch, Eldred Rosenthal Jr., Jimmie & Patricia Rosenthal, Larry Rosenthal, and Margaret Webb
Robert and Christopher Bellendir: Thomas & Mary Lou Rioux
Chris Cotsiopoulos: Marlene Albiani, Pat Delury, Norma Fielder, Kay Pontrelli, Rosanne Tomczak, Lynne Vihnanek, and Lillian Zambetta
Jason D’Agostino: Harvey & Diane Steiner
Gaia Fasanella: Ms. Maria Pia De Candia
Natalie Fingeroot: Facebook
Geoffrey Gendron: Ms. Nina Gendron
Carolyn Huffer: Gregory Huffer and Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Sean McCoy: Mr. Richard & Christi McCoy and Ms. Sue McCoy
Natalie Meadows: Ms. Janine Ciak
Gerry E. Place: Nancy Feak, Ms. Judy J. Kaltenbach, and Virgie Oliver
Kevin Rauner: Randall & Jill Sigler
Ryan Ruckdeschel: Torrey Ruckdeschel
J. Kenneth Smith, Jr.: Anonymous
Joshua Steiner: Harvey & Diane Steiner
Richard Weber: Donna Webe