In Memorial and Honor: February 2025

ULF received donations in memorial or honorarium for the following during the month of February 2025. We apologize for any inadvertent omittance or misspellings. Please notify us if we have made a mistake at [email protected] or by calling 815-748-3211

In honor of

DanielNathan HortonIn Loving Memory of Daniel.
Daxton WallaceSandra Wallace
Deandre BauerMarcia Andrew
Emily and Josie PhamJaneth Arriola
Robert Moore
GrandsonsSherry Winnie
Jackson Henry MillerMichael Petteys
MygelybellyKarla Borge
Neil KushnickNancy Kushnick
SofiaJan Ainger

In Memory of

Benjamin Douglas KrausEver Loved, Inc’s FundIn memory of Ben Kraus, given by his community on Ever Loved
Dylan FreemanAshley Smith
Eden Alexandra MurphyNina Jolley
Tim and Liz ArnoldOur thoughts are with you and your family
Amanda BehnerIn memory of sweet baby Eden. May she rest in peace ❤️ May this contribution help a family from ever having to experience such a loss.
Patrick Smith
CriticalArc CriticalArc
ELizabeth Kline
Samuel Murphy
Ronnie Litman
John Burton (Burt) BlacklawBonnie EscobedoIn honor of Darlene Gatto
John cainChristine Cain
Mary Jacquelyn Berger
Joshua and Michael PrestonLinda Preston
Krystal Renee JonesBeverly Jones
Kylie Lucille McNeilBrenda SmallKylie, may your life inspire another child fighting for theirs. Rest well knowing you made a difference in the lives of others.
Gerardo GuizadoThank you for the strong effort in creating a world with answers for families. With love, Eliana, Sebastian,  Gerardo and Val Guizado.
Brian McNeillPrayers of comfort to her parents, Jamie & Dustin, and to her sisters Raegan & Kennedy.
Michael Lee FischerSue Stewart
Sean TaylorAnnette TaylorSean was diagnosed in 2020 and went to be with our Lord January 15, 2025
Thomas Blandford Sr.Thomas Blandford Jr.
Tom and Doug ReisingCarol McGinley