The ULF received donations in memorial or honorarium for the following during the month of August 2018. We apologize for any inadvertent omission or misspellings. Please notify us if we have made a mistake at [email protected] or by calling 815.748.3211.
Gregory Brown: Michael Adamo, Theresa Hollnsteiner, Katelyn Tierney
Thomas Cunningham: Sallie Griffiths
Arwyn Hamilton: Debbie Stevens
Noah Hinds: John and Mary Cain
Alec Jump: Liberty Mutual Group
Julie Kloster: Caroline Pounds
Lily Marrars: John and N.C. Vanlandingham
Whit Pounds: Caroline Pounds
JD Anderson: Anderson Reunion, Kyle Walter
Richard Jasmon Anderson: Anderson Reunion, Kyle Walter
Peter Campagnone: Annette Verdone Calabrese, Dominique Calabrese
Chris Cotsiopoulos: Jack Bavaro
Joan Czaja: Ambrose Corbett, Jr.
Brian Green: Sallie Griffiths
Garner Hicks: Sallie Griffiths
Robert Hodge: Sallie Griffiths
Katie Maloney: Susan Maloney, Teresa Strittmatter
Sean McCoy: Richard and Christi McCoy, Sue McCoy
Robert McVerry, Jr.: Matthew Weidner
Allison Muller: Dolores Bolsega
Ryan Nelson: Leonard and Maureen Nelson
Tommy Pacey: Brittany Hergenhahn
Ashley Resnick: Steve and Kimberly Resnick
Mark Reynolds: Rene and Nancy Eris
Noah Routhier: A. Bernard and Joanne Stroshine
Danny Hoeffner: Richard and Stephanie Marchant
Ryan Ruckdeschel: Richard and Stephanie Marchant
Amy Scott: Clayton and Julie Murphy
David Whiting: Thomas and Clair Sharpless
Suzanne Yamnitz: Larry and Delores Yamnitz