The ULF received donations in memorial or honorarium for the following during the month of April 2020. We apologize for any inadvertent omittance or misspellings. Please notify us if we have made a mistake at [email protected] or by calling 815.748.3211.
Ryan D. Miller: Ellen Dodaro
Daxton Wallace: Sandy Wallace
Joseph Abelman: Mr. Howard Spitzer
Robert and Christopher Bellendir: Thomas and Mary Lou Rioux
Douglas Bermel: Alan Fingeroot
Cole Buckingham: Alisa May
Eric Dittenhafer: Fred and Marianne McKelvy
Justin James Lamb: Clare Auten, Balke Brown Transwestern, Diane Downey, Scott Farrier, Thomas & Terrie Kuenker, Pamela M. LeClair, Dr. Sheel Pathak, and Lucas B. Wilson
Peter MacDonald: Meg Shatilla and Myles MacDonald
Arlen May: Alisa May
Sean McCoy: Richard & Christi McCoy and Sue McCoy
Ramon Abailla Jr. and Dylan Mercer: Melodie G. Carver
Mark Danbrough Reynolds: Rex & Carole McKee
Shayde Rudenick: Alisa May
Antoinette M. Suess: George & Joyce Cailor