Marcie Flores
Joliet, Illinois
“I have a child that has been battling Leukodystrophy for over a decade,” Marcie shared. “Needless to say, my entire life has been dedicated to caregiving, raising awareness, and educating people at large about this disease. I believe, I live, and I breathe the vision and mission of the ULF. We all belong to this club that no one wants to be a part of, but we have collaborated to walk it together.”
Joining the Board in 2022, Marcie would like to be a voice for the 4H community, to introduce common problems and themes affecting this small community. She also wants to see ULF increase patient and caregiver mental health awareness and caregiver support. Finally, she wants to help bridge the gap between ULF and the growing number of Spanish-speaking families. “As a parent I often feel overwhelmed with my son’s care. I can only imagine what it would be like to navigate your child’s life-threatening illness when you don’t know the language.” She helped ULF with translations for several years before joining the Board.
For more than a decade, Marcie has performed administrative roles in several Illinois school systems, applying both her data/tech and Spanish language skills. She has served on the board of Shady Oaks Disability Camp and has coordinated fundraising events both for the camp and Make-A-Wish.