Thank you for partnering with the ULF as a grassroots fundraiser. Your efforts will help to support the important work of the ULF on behalf of individuals and families affected by a leukodystrophy. As part of this partnership, the ULF can offer the following to assist you in your efforts:
- Permission to use the ULF’s name and logo for the event.
- Promotion and recognition of your event in the quarterly newsletter, social media channels and website.
- Educational materials for distribution and assistance with marketing, design and ideas.
- Notification of ULF patients and families in area of event.
- Guidance and suggestions with event planning.
The Board of Directors enforces the following guidelines pertaining to all fundraising events on behalf of the ULF which are hosted, organized, or sponsored by third parties (individuals or organizations other than the ULF and its staff) and expects this form to be completed and signed prior to the event.