Family Conference: Registration

Read and submit the form Below to Complete your Registration

United Leukodystrophy Foundation (ULF) PARTICIPANT WAIVER

I/we (anyone included in this registration entry) understand the risk in attending the in-person 2023 ULF Conference, which includes but is not limited to contracting a communicable disease, such as SARS-COVID 19, and I/we voluntarily accept these risks.

I/we have read, understand and will adhere to the ULF Health & Safety Measures the ULF is requiring, in advance of and while attending the 2023 ULF Conference.

The ULF, as defined for the purposes of this waiver, includes the ULF Board of Directors and Officers, ULF employees, and all volunteers associated with ULF.  By checking the box below, I/we acknowledge that the ULF is not responsible for any bodily injury, death, disability, the contraction of communicable disease(s), and/or property loss incurred by myself/all persons you register as a result of attending the 2023 ULF Conference.

I/we, hereby waive any right to seek reimbursement or other compensation from the ULF or any member of the ULF for injury sustained, or liability incurred, during my/our participation in the 2023 ULF Conference.

If I/we disagree with the terms of the ULF Participant Waiver, I/we have the option to attend the 2023 ULF Conference virtually, and can do so by registering online.

By checking the box, I/we hereby assume all risk of injury or harm resulting from participation in the 2023 ULF Conference, and accordingly agree to release and forever discharge the ULF from all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, and causes of action due to death, injury, loss, or damage.

Only one email address is needed per group. A confirmation will be sent to you after filling out this form.
Meals are served buffet style, but we will alert hotel staff to the guests with restrictions to avoid any complications.