In Memorial or Honorarium – January 2018

The ULF received donations in memorial or honorarium for the following during the month of January 2018. We apologize for any inadvertent omission or misspellings. Please notify us if we have made a mistake at [email protected] or by calling 815.748.3211.


MaryAnn Backenson: Bryon and Kathleen Backenson

Asher Fleming-Bloxom: Keith Yale

Ben Conley: Mary Jo Conley

Emilee Heilman: Donald and Jennifer Heilman

Daniel Hughes: Gilbert and Margaret Ketler

Ryan MacLean: John and Betty MacLean

Jacqualyn Tomson: Martha Tomson

Ryan Tong: Patricia Cooper


Robby Backenson: Bryon and Kathleen Backenson

Zenko Bihun: Oleh and Roxolana Saciuk

Zenovia Bihun: Oleh and Roxolana Saciuk

Eva Blow: William Blow

Phyllis Bolia: John and Mary Cain

Eli Bonney: John and Elizabeth Bonney

Vincent Louis Capozzi: Charles and Joyce Wohlrab

Jessica Carter: Jack and Alice Hill

Dylan Changle: Margo Fittipaldo

Dino Ciaburri, Jr.: Daniel Lombardo and Karen Banta

Shawn Conklin: John and Suzanne Conklin

Michael Day: James and Heather Day

Katie Dosal: Andrew and Kimberly Pulliam

Ui’lani Dumaran: Tonya Achenbach

Michelle Fingeroot: Mary and Stanley Kantor

Don Fleming: Keith Yale

Kenneth Fleming: Keith Yale

Dylan Freeman: Charles and Carol Valiquette

Ethan Gold: Jay and Jill Gold

Alainna Hayslett: Nancy Salyers

Jeremy Hoke: Cary and Sharon Sheremet

Robyn Leigh Holyoke: Thomas and Carol Holyoke

Tyler John Holyoke: Thomas and Carol Holyoke

Andrew Johnston: Keith and Patti Johnston

Michael Jungwirth: Joan Jungwirth

Clint Karlsrud: Jacqueline Hearn

William Kintner: David Moore

Kyle Mach: Stephen and Ruthie Duenner

Stephen Mach: Stephen and Ruthie Duenner

Paul Masur: Lynelle Schwedhelm

Sean McCoy: Richard and Christi McCoy, Sue McCoy

Richard Molatch: Amy Bidwell, Stacy Carey, Debra Dantonio,Leah Murphy, Maureen Shapero

William Morris: William and Angela Morris

Kyle Murphy: Scott Murphy, Wayne and Karen Murphy

Matt Nilsson: Gary and Doris Nilsson

Faye Nimmer: John Nimmer

Jack Nimmer: John Nimmer

Gary Nye: Lawrence and Judith Siclair

Jason Owen: Michael and Catherine Cuomo

Deborah Percy: Frederick and Janina Percy

Kevin Rauner: Roberta Ourecky

Alcide Sacco: Mary Dooney

Mason Scherer: Thomas and Daria Scherer

Christopher Stewart: Lynelle Schwedhelm

Sammy Zeltser: Progress Real Estate Management