The ULF received donations in memorial or honorarium for the following during the month of July 2018. We apologize for any inadvertent omission or misspellings. Please notify us if we have made a mistake at [email protected] or by calling 815-748-3211.
David Anderson: L3 Aerospace Systems
Amari Ball: Ken and Diane Mobeck
Louis Goldman and Family: Alfred and Phyllis Schneider
Joseph Johnson: Joseph and Joanne Johnson
Brian Kelley: John and Jean Kelley
Tyler Kelly: Jim and Mary Kelly
Neil Kushnick: Jerome and Nancy Kushnick
Dane Sinnott: Patrick and Debra Sinnott, Sinnott’s Sand Bar
Ramon Abanilla and Dylan Mercer: Melodie Carver, American Express Foundation
Vincent Louis Capozzi: Nicholas Ade, Craig Adler, Natalia Adler, Adam and Robin Altman, Anthony and Tina Andreoli, Daniel Bogaczyk, Priscilla Burns, Dennis Burkett, DDS, Lauren Burns, Margaret and Richard Bushey, Capozzi Adler, P.C., Anne Cox, William Crouse, David and Donna Desfor, Vincent and Elizabeth DiFilippo, Craig Dunkle, John and Lynne Dutrey, Mary Duxbury, Judge M.L. Ebert, Jr., Stanley and Theresa Fabiano, Paul Feldman, Zachary and Maureen Flynn, Kevin Gaughen, Maria Louisa Gaughen, Don and Barbara Geistwhite, Cornelius and Joni Gildea, Robert and Miriam Goodling, Jacqueline Goodwin, Elisa Grandizio, Lisa Grayson, Harrisburg Foot and Ankle Center, Inc., David Hartzell, Terry and Marie Hegglin, Kerry Henne, Larry Hershman, Mitch and Isabell Himmelberger, Charles and Kathryn Hoffman, Roger and Patricia Hueston, Greg and Elizabeth Jones, Judith Kaneen, Benjamin and Iryna Katsevich, Brian and Gwenn Keene, Robert Latta, David Leber, Kelly Lewis, Joshua and Stacey Lininger, Donald Logan, John and Karen Lyter, Christina Mahady, Lisa McConnell, Andrew McGuire, Scott McQuinn, David and Lauren Metzger, Paul Missan, Michael Murchie, Paul and Donna Myers, Stephen and Lisa Myers, John Obrock, Maryann Ondish, Robert and Joanne Plesic, John and Lisa Pohl, Seth Pomeroy II, Tommy Posavec, Gary and Patricia Raymond, William and Margaret Raymond, Robert and Deborah Reitzel, Mo Rengen, Frank and Constance Sajer, George and Theresa Schu, Sherri and Eric Schuchart, Matthew and Kristine Simon, Frank Sirianni, John and Elizabeth Statler, Monica Swindler, Jay and Diane Swisher, L. Taylor, Thomas Terhaar, Leanne Wallace, Patrick and Judith Wallace, Roy and Sharon Wells, Frank Willis, Michael Wilson, Scott and Martina Witwer, Robin Wright, Neely Zanussi
Terry Dunham: Charlotte Wilson
Dylan Freeman: Charles and Carol Valiquette
Andrea Dorie Green: Doris Beck, Ronald and Linda Clark, Charles Gibson, Henry and Helen Pope, Dave and Jane Thomas
David Heldt: Elwood and Connie Heldt
Matthew Kelly: Jim and Mary Kelly
Violet and Harrison Klay: John and Mary Cain
Katie Maloney: Nicole Brennessel, Leonard Harrison, Jeffrey and Maureen Hunt, Patricia McArdle, Donald and Kathy Wilson
Sean McCoy: Richard and Christi McCoy, Sue McCoy
Lindsay Murphy: David and Melinda Murphy
Tommy Pacey: Beth Wawrzaszek
Daniel Plaskett: Litchfield BMX Group
Joshua and Michael Preston: Linda Preston
TannaLynne Putzler: Roger and Linda Putzler
Donna Reis: Joseph Reis
Rom Reising: Krissy Bunner
Alyssa Stramel: Sharlene Langford