The ULF received donations in memorial or honorarium for the following during the month of September 2019. We apologize for any inadvertent omittance or misspellings. Please notify us if we have made a mistake at [email protected] or by calling 815.748.3211.
Alyssa Beck: Linda Beck
Shawn Blake: Nick and Jill Siragusa
Clark Cutler: Scott Beck, Jonathan and Kristen Piske, Michael and Sharon Wadle
Megan Early: Chris and Catherine Early
Bradley Hartman: Jamie Barlow
Ryan Jean: Ronald and Debra Jean
Chris Kelley: James and Harlene Szczerba
Dawson Koehler: James and Harlene Szczerba
Mario Lopez: Mario and Alicia Lopez
Lily Marrars: John and N.C. Vanlandingham
Nicholas Purschke: David and Patricia Schweissguth
Robert and Yvonne Rauner: Carroll and Jenne Crist
Kimberly Wachs: Beatrice Edwards
Daxton Wallace: Sandy Wallace
Samuel Weyrich: Jon and Elizabeth Foy
Amy Lynn Branning: Lewis and Deborah Barnard
Robert Cleary: Fanwood Bagels
Chris Cotsiopoulos: Jack Bavaro
Ryan Criste: Joseph and Paula Criste
Jason D’Agostino: Harvey and Diane Steiner
Terry Dunham: Terry and Susan Dunham
Ronald Edwards: Beatrice Edwards
Dylan Freeman: Charles and Carol Valiquette
Dustin Fuller: Nancy Eckerd
Yaya Garber: Ron Garber and June Cheng
Geoffrey Gendron: Nina Gendron
Mande Gumbs: Thomas Blandford, Jr.
Lisette Loeb Guth: Judi Guth
Evan Herring: Irene Herring
Garner Hicks: Gen Griffiths
Aaron Hultman: Robert and Kathleen Greene
Michael Jungwirth: Joan Jungwirth
Shane Massey: Kevin McLaughlin and Amantha Massey-McLaughlin
Sean McCoy: Richard and Christi McCoy, Sue McCoy
Ramon Abanilla and Dylan Mercer: American Express Foundation, Melodie Carver
Alison Muller: Jay and Cynthia Muller
John O’Sullivan: Rosemary O’Sullivan
Daniel Plaskett: Litchfield County BMX Group
Grace Ragon: Brian and Nana Fox
Kevin Rauner: Weslie and Jody Mohling, Roberty Ourecky
Mark Reynolds: Rene and Nancy Eris
Ryan Ruckdeschel: Richard and Stephanie Marchant
Shayde Rudenick: Stephen Rudenick
David Sanborn: John Sanborn
Mariann Sekula: Walter and Bernadine Sekula
Kelly and Jeffrey Smith: Kevin and Nancy Smith
Joshua Steiner: Harvey and Diane Steiner
Jeremiah Stockton: Patricia Stockton
Dane Stream: Bonita Horn
Gerald Suess: George Cailor, Theodore Cougras, William and Debra Jeffries, Raymond and Carole Kavinsky, Robert and Lynn Sahli
Daniel Valenzuela: Elia Valenzuela
Katherine Welch: Nora Welch
Thomas Williams: Patricia Atkinson, Geiger Methodist Church, Otis Hutcherson, Regina Martin, Harold and Kyla Moore, The Scooba Riding Club, Beatrice Whiteside, Sherlyn Whiteside
Megan Wilson: Vance and Melinda McGowan